Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Finally, 10 verses about me -- 25 March 2008

Some time ago our oldest daughter issued a challenge to those who read her blog. We were supposed to write ten stanzas about ourselves. I’m long past the navel-gazing part of my life, and I left the angst behind when I went to college at 17, but I thought I’d give it a go. I tried to treat the assignment seriously. That’s not easy for a person who tries to not take themselves too seriously – and I just couldn’t get the rhythm out of my head.

10 verses about me

I am an old woman from Texas
Whose bluntness frequently fetches
A smile with a moan, a laugh with a groan
And a few occasional hexes.

I’ve worked in a number of places
And lived where I first knew no faces
South, west, north and east, even Germany’s feast
Learning lessons no time erases.

I grew up a singleton child
But my parents could never be guiled
Not father, not mother contradicted the other
So I had little chance to be wild.

It was easy to do well at school
Genetics and following the rule
Given by Dad, that “B” stood for bad
Kept me thinking being smart was cool.

My childhood was loving and stable
There was always food on the table
A bricklayer’s daughter, surrounded by laughter
I learned I was equally able.

Mama would frequently say
More earthily on most days
They may have more money, we may be more funny
But we put on our pants the same way.

Live and let live without any fear
To each his own was held very dear
You’re as good as the rest, even the best
Respect the others both far and near.

Independence was similarly taught
Self-sufficiency the ultimate thought
Depend on yourself, provide your own wealth
In every way that you ought.

So what does this mean about me
Shall I do a quick summary?
Outspoken, adventurous, intelligent, accepting, self-reliant, confident
And sometimes the dark sides of these.

These final adages should send
The best clues to me, my friends
You do what you want to do, you are what you do
The person who cares the least wins.